„I’ve got my life back"

Esther Søgaard, 77 years old

Esther Soegaard, 77 years old. Suffering from lymphedema and is unable to raise her own legs. Got a RotoFlex bed three years ago.

For many years, my life was controlled by the caregivers' schedule. My legs are so swollen that the perimeter of my knee is 92 centimeters, and I can't lift my legs up into bed by myself.

Before I was approved for a RotoBed, I had help from caregivers in my home up to six times a day. Their schedule said they would arrive at 12:30 to help me get into bed for my nap, which meant I had to finish lunch before that.

In the evening, I was put to bed between 21:30 and 22:30 depending on what suited the municipality's program. It was frustrating not being able to go to bed when I wanted and even worse if I had guests. They would have to leave the house before the helpers arrived no matter if we were having a good time and I might be in the middle of a game of cards with a good hand. When I had my night-toilette, I often sat and waited for the helpers to come and get me back to bed. This resulted in really poor sleep quality.

When I got the RotoFlex bed, I could suddenly get into bed without help. I stopped having a nap every day since I slept much better at night, and assistance from caregivers has been reduced to twice a day. Now I eat when I am hungry and not because the caregivers will soon arrive.

The RotoFlex bed has given me great quality of life. I, not the caregivers' schedule or the municipality, control my life. And when I calculate what this bed saves the municipality in hours of care, I expect everyone is happy.

PhysioNova GmbH

+49 911 977 248-0
+49 911 977 248-11

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